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    摘要 : To investigate the impact of mono- and di-β-galactose moieties in tumor uptake and photodynamic therapy (PDT) efficacy, HPPH [3-(1′-hexyloxy)ethyl-3-devinylpyropheophorobide-a], the meso pyropheophorbide-a [3-ethyl-3-devinyl-pyr... 展开

    摘要 : Current treatment for prostate cancer is dependent on the stages of the cancer, recurrence, and genetic factors. Treatment varies from active surveillance or watchful waiting to prostatectomy, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy i... 展开

    摘要 : Abstract Objective: Ovarian cancer is a highly lethal disease in which the majority of patients eventually demonstrate multidrug resistance. Develop a novel active targeted theranostic nanomedicine designed to overcome drug efflux... 展开

    摘要 : The myrisplatin/C6-ceramide nanoemulsion synergistically enhanced in vitro cytotoxicity. An EGFR binding peptide addition further increased in vitro cytotoxicity in EGFR positive cancer cells. The diagnostic version showed MR imag... 展开
